Storify: iPad in Education
Laadin tarinan "iPad in Education" käyttäen Storify-sovellusta:
View the story "iPad in Education" on Storify]
Storify is a platform for combining writing and stories from social media into a unique mashup. Once signed in, create a story by searching various social media platforms for content. For example, you can search Twitter for a certain keyword or hashtag. Then, drag selected content into the story pane. Content from multiple searches can be included in one story.
The key feature is the ability to add text throughout the story. For example, you can ask students to take a stance on the budget battles in the U.S. Content from social media and the web can be pulled into the story. Then, students create their own content, justifying or disagreeing with the stories incorporated into the story. Completed stories are published and then shared. Give Storify a try for current events projects as well as teaching media literacy.
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